My Love For You

Letter #1


The day we met, I would have never thought that I'd fall in love with you. I am so happy you have come into my life. I have never felt this way about anyone before. For you I would give anything and you know I would. I love everything about you, and I hurt when we are apart. I know I have a hard time expressing how I feel about you. Some might say I'm too young to know what love is, but to me age has no place in deciding love. When I realized that, I realized that I loved you with all my heart. I can't even remember the day I fell in love with you, but it was before you got the chance to tell me that you loved me. I hope we stay in love with each other forever.

Letter #2


Before I met you, I was resigned to the fact that love was a part of my past, nothing more than a mere, painful memory. Then you came into my life and a miracle happened. You opened my heart in ways it had never been opened before and that awakened a part of me that had lain dormant all my life. Although I had loved and been loved before, never had it been so intense and as deep as what I learned to feel for you. I had never before experienced the true joy of complete empowering, soul-felt love as we share now. "I love you"--those three simple words I say out loud whenever I think of you bring a smile to my face and a song to my heart.

I feel comfort in knowing that we can disagree and get through the roughest times, realizing that we can't live without each other. I am as secure in knowing I have your love as you are in knowing you have mine. What more could we ask for than to have found the one true love that each of us had been searching for all our lives? I love you!