You Are the Best

Letter #1


You are definitely "The Man." Let me tell you why I think so. When I am near you, my heart tends to beat a little faster than usual, and I forget everything that I was about to say. Your voice sends shivers down my spine, and when you tell me you love me, light sparkles before my eyes. Only "The Man" can make my palms sweaty and the gleam in my eyes last all day long. I smile more now, and it's because of you.

You make me feel special and wanted--for that alone I am thankful. You are my inspiration for everything I do now. I can turn to you when I feel as if the world is out to get me. I feel protected with you. You have stolen my heart, and I am not even upset! This was a robbery waiting to happen, one that I am glad it happened. I just ask that you cherish the heart you've stolen, because it was the only one I had. So you see, only "The Man" can make me feel like you do--happy and safe. I love you so much!

Letter #2


I know you hate it when I say this, but I'm going to say it now in writing: You are the best! I have been so blessed to have you in my life. You will always mean the world to me.

It is difficult for me to believe that we have been together for such a short time, but in it our love has grown so much.

I can't believe we're so right for one another or that we even found one another in a world this big! It is hard to believe, but it is true, and I am grateful and feel so blessed. I love you because you are truly the best!

Letter #3


Hello, my love. I wrote you this letter so that you would know how deeply you have touched my heart. In the few short months of this last year, you may have come to know me as well as some of my lifelong friends do. That's because you have taken the time to want to know me inside and out, honestly and truly. You made it easy for me to open up again, and that allowed me to connect with you. I learned quickly that you are honest and loving, not to mention beautiful.

You have been able to bring out the best in me. You stir up my most passionate, loving emotions. You opened my eyes so that I could see true love, and all that a perfect relationship should be, as well as all that the perfect lover should embody. You are the best.