Always There

Letter #1


Thank you for loving me and caring so much for me! Knowing that you are always there for me, and that you'll always be there for me is more important than I can express. Even when I mess up, even when I hurt you mistakenly and say something stupid, you always forgive me with such patience and compassion that you help me grow stronger and better. Somehow, you even end up loving me more! You're a wonderful person, and you're the most amazing partner I could imagine. I love you so much! Thank you for just being you.

Letter #2


It's hard to express how much you mean to me, but consider this: no matter what I am doing, you are in my thoughts. It's not a choice I really have. I simply love you and think of you all the time. Whether moving through chores at home, working at the office, eating a meal, or just walking around--no matter what, you are always with me. No matter what I am doing, I think of the strength of our love, the way we hold each other, and the way you whisper in my ear. I know, from the bottom of my heart, that we are meant to be together forever. I love you so very much!

Letter #3


To put it simply, you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You keep me going through all the ups and downs of life. You are my best friend, someone who truly listens to me, someone who knows me almost better than I know myself! You are my perfect lover, the perfect match for my body and my soul. With you by my side, the world is open and wonderful. We can make anything happen together!

Many things in life may be uncertain, but I want you to know that whatever happens, in whatever direction our lives unfold, I will always be there for you. I will always cherish you and support you. I will always want to be with you and, always, I will love you.

Letter #4


You have stood by my side through everything now. You have guided me through dark moments and have shared my hopes and secrets. You have nurtured me back to health when I have been ill. You have done for me what no one else has done before and I love you so much for it.

You and I know that many things change over time. Places change, ideas change, and some people even change. My love for you, however, never will. From now until the end of our lives, I will be yours and yours alone. I will be your best friend, your lover, and your husband. I will always stand by your side--and never change!