Against All Odds

Letter #1


At first, I was worried about our differences. I was worried we had come from places too far apart, and that our families would not accept our bond. But I was wrong to have these fears. Our connection is stronger than anything. Our love is so very great.

I guess I never thought I would find someone like you, someone who hears every word in my heart, and someone who makes me laugh and brings me strength. Across time and space, across cultures and borders, and against all odds, we've come together, and I am indescribably thankful! We have been given a gift, and we must treasure it always. Let's love each other forever. Let's stay together forever.

Letter #2


Re: In Spite of the Odds

When I think of all the billions of people on earth and then realize that you and I met in spite of the odds, it makes me humble and grateful. We are so happy together and devoted to one another, and I pray this continues. I promise you I will do all that I can to keep on making our relationship a happy success!

Let's promise one another we'll keep on being true, honest, and caring. I promise you, here and now, as you promised me, so long ago, that I will always love you.