Valentine's Day

Letter #1


I do not need a special day like this to say how very much I love you. You are in my thoughts every day, and I cannot think of being without you.

An old song about Valentines says, "You make me happy," and you certainly do. There is nothing about you that I do not love--I love your hair, your voice, your eyes, the sound of your laugh, and especially the way you smile at me.

I am the luckiest person alive to be able to call you my sweetheart, my Valentine.

Letter #2


You are my very special Valentine, and I am lucky to have you in my life. From the very first moment that our eyes met, I knew that I had to be with you.

A popular movie star said to his girlfriend, "You complete me." I feel that way about you because without you, I would be one sad and lonely person.

So I take this special day to tell you that I love you very much and hope that you will always love me.

Letter #3


My Sweet Valentine,

I know I do not often say that I love you. I know I should say those words more often, so I am glad that I get this chance to send my love to you on Valentine's Day. You once told me that flowers are great but you would rather hear me tell you how I feel. So here goes:

I love you in the morning; I love you in the afternoon; I love you at night.

I love you when you look sleepy and have no makeup on.

I love you when you are all dressed up.

I love you when you are sad, and I love you when you are mad (but not as much).

I love you as my wife, and I love you as the mother of our children.

I especially love you as I watch you with our children. You are the best.

Letter #4


A famous woman poet wrote a poem to her husband; she said, "How do I love you? Let me count the ways." Then she gave lots of examples to say that her love filled volumes and was overwhelming. That is how I feel. My love for you is huge; it takes my breath away, and I never want to be out of your sight or out of your arms.

You are the best husband, and although these years with you have gone by fast, each year has many wonderful memories.

You are my very special Valentine, husband dearest, and I hope to express how much I love you every time we are together.

Letter #5


Will you be my Valentine? Although we have been going together for only a few months, I can honestly say that I care very much for you. I care so much that I am certain what I feel is love. I miss you when I am not with you, and when we are together I am happy.

Will you be my Valentine today and always?

Please say yes. If you do, I'll be the happiest person on earth.