I Love You So Much

Letter #1


You don't know how much I love you! You are the best boyfriend any girl could ever ask for. Whenever I have a problem and need some comfort or advice, you are there for me. It is you who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to have your children one day too. You don't know how much I appreciate you, admire you, trust you, respect you, and unconditionally love you.

I believe this is true love, and you are the one for me. Being away from you drives me crazy and makes me want to be with you right at that very moment. When I think of this separation as a test, then I can deal with it. If this is what it takes to finally be with you one day, then I will go through it. Well, Honey, I am going to end this letter by telling you that I love you more than anything in this world. Remember that for now. I love you so much.

Letter #2


I love you with the deepest passion and I wish we could see each other every day but I know that you're so far away. It hurts me to know how I sometimes can be a little selfish when it comes to you, but, Girl, I'm in the deepest love for you!

Did you know that I think about you at night wishing you were here? I love you, my beautiful Purple Queen. I want you to know how I feel. We really need to talk but then again I don't know. My heart bleeds blood for you and I can't see. My stomach hurts and my head is throbbing but I want you to know more than anything that I miss you.

Forever in love with you,