
Satisfaction Guarantee and Return Policy

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee   If you are not 100% satisfied with your software, you can return it for any reason within 30 days and we will refund the purchase price excluding shipping charges. Buy with confidence. We stand behind our products. If you choose to return or exchange that item, please select one of the following options:

To return software, if you..

Downloaded software online from our Yahoo! Store
The standard return policy is 30 days. Send us your request using our support form.

Downloaded software online from our Digital River Store
The standard return policy is 30 days. Contact Digital River at or call them at 800-656-5426.

Purchased a CD directly from WriteExpress
Please return your purchase in its original packaging. Include your invoice with the return and state why you are returning the item. For your protection, we recommend that you use UPS or insured Parcel Post for shipment. Our address is as follows:

WriteExpress Returns
P.O. Box 50661
Provo, UT, 84605-0661

Purchased a CD from someone other than WriteExpress
Return the CD. Also please provide the following information:

First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Full Product Name:
Reason for returning product:

Include your store receipt or a photocopy is acceptable. If you no longer have your store receipt, we cannot refund money. For your protection, we recommend that you use UPS or insured Parcel Post for shipment. Our address is as follows:

WriteExpress Returns
P.O. Box 50661
Provo, UT, 84605-0661

Received a CD as a gift
If you do not have the store receipt for your gift, we will gladly exchange it for another product but not refund the money. Please return your product in its original packaging. Also, please note:

For your protection, we recommend that you use UPS or insured Parcel Post for shipment. Our address is as follows:

WriteExpress Returns
P.O. Box 50661
Provo, UT, 84605-0661

More Questions?
If you have any problems or questions about your return, please contact our Customer Service department.

Try our letter-template software risk free when you buy at

If after 30 days you are not satisfied, return it for a full refund



Easy Letters

$19.99 / Download


3,001 Business & Sales Letters

3,001 Business & Sales Letters

$29.99 / Download


1 $19.99 value free with purchase of our software for Windows (not Macintosh)

2 Free with purchase of our software for Windows (not Macintosh)