Report Required Information to a Government Agency
Letter #1
I have a permit to move a house from 648 Maple Lane to 1600 Main Street in Springfield, and am enclosing a copy of the mandatory liability insurance policy. As required, a professional mover has prepared the house and will begin the move Sunday at 6:00 a.m. and complete it by 10:00 a.m. We have notified the local police and arranged for caution vehicles to proceed in front of and to the rear of the house while in transit. Please advise if further information or action is required.
Letter #2
As required by CFR #123, I am notifying you of my intent to dredge a portion of Springfield Lake to make our boat dock more accessible. The address is 648 Maple Lane. I will begin dredging on Saturday, May 10, 2019. This letter complies with all the requirements given in the CFR and requests a confirmation of receipt. If I have inadvertently left out any information, please notify me immediately.
Letter #3
Per Fish and Game regulation #12-34, I am notifying you that I intend to stock my pond with 2,000 German brown trout fingerlings from the Springfield Hatchery. The stocking will take place on Saturday, February 24, and will be completed following the guidelines laid out in the Hatchery's pamphlet on private stocking. If I am not in compliance with the appropriate regulations, or if you require additional information, please notify me immediately.
How to Write this Government Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines
The government usually wants you to use its forms for most reporting purposes. However, if you are giving legally required notice before doing something, or if you are reporting something for which no form is available, a letter is usually sufficient.
- Identify what you are doing by answering the standard questions as applicable: what, why, when, where, how, and who. Provide all necessary or required details.
- Explicitly establish that your letter constitutes compliance with a reporting regulation. Give license numbers if necessary.
- Close by asking if the agency needs additional information.
Write Your government in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases
1 Identify what you are doing by answering the standard questions as applicable: what, why, when, where, how, and who. Provide all necessary or required details.
Sample Sentences for Step 1
- In accordance with the requirements of the Agricultural Burning Act, I am informing you that I will be burning rice stubble on my farm on October 25, 2019, weather permitting.
- As your office requires, I am submitting this preliminary environmental impact report for the cabin I propose to build on Pine Valley Mountain, Washington County, Kansas.
- On March 22, 2019, we will move fourteen barrels of hazardous waste through the city to a registered waste disposal site west of Springfield. The truck will leave our gate at 2:30 a.m., enter the freeway at the Glow Street on-ramp, and travel north to the Doe Dump.
- In accordance with county regulations, I submit this letter to inform you that I will be blasting stumps and boulders on my county farm property on July 24, 2019. I estimate that I will use twenty-five charges, and I request permission to buy the necessary materials at an authorized dealer, Doe Farm Supply, in Springfield.
- This letter is to inform you that on May 15 I will be shooting a herd of deer that is destroying my crops. Section 145 of the State Fish and Game Regulations provides for eradication hunts on private property, following proper notification of your office.
Key Phrases for Step 1
- hereby notify you
- as your office requires
- as the federal regulation requires
- consider this to be
- expect to complete the
- formal notice to you
- have secured the necessary permits
- have applied for
- in accordance with
- let you know that
- request authorization to
- that we will
- that we intend to
- to inform you that
- which I propose to
- which I intend to
- will comply with
- will complete it by
- wish to inform you
2 Explicitly establish that your letter constitutes compliance with a reporting regulation. Give license numbers if necessary.
Sample Sentences for Step 2
- This letter constitutes compliance with federal and state reporting regulations. If we have omitted any required information, please let us know immediately.
- Please accept this letter as compliance with the county reporting requirement. If it does not meet the requirement, please let me know what I must do to satisfy the law.
- Our license number is 555555 (ex. January 2019).
- I understand that this letter constitutes compliance with the regulation and offers the State ample time to act in the interests of the wildlife involved.
Key Phrases for Step 2
- as required
- as described in
- as stipulated
- constitutes compliance with
- fills the requirements
- formal notice to you of
- have secured the necessary permit
- in compliance with
- in order to comply with
- in accordance with
- license number
- permit number
- section number
- to meet the requirements of
- to satisfy the requirements of
- understand that this
- will comply with
3 Close by asking if the agency needs additional information.
Sample Sentences for Step 3
- Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and advise us if we have met all reporting requirements.
- Unless I hear otherwise from you, I will assume that you have been properly notified.
- I will call your office before moving the hazardous waste to make sure that you received this notification letter.
- Please confirm that I have met all reporting requirements.
- To avoid any misunderstandings, I request acknowledgment of this correspondence, and confirmation of our compliance with the relevant statute.
Key Phrases for Step 3
- advise us if
- are in compliance with
- can reach me at
- have met all requirements
- have adequately notified
- if you need any more
- if you have any questions
- if you need any further
- kindly acknowledge receipt of
- kindly acknowledge this
- let us know whether
- please confirm that
- to avoid misunderstanding
- unless we hear otherwise
- will assume that
- will be happy to
- will call your office to
- would be happy to