Thank Someone For a Favor
Letter #1
I want you to know how much I appreciate your taking care of little Eric on Tuesday. It is rare to find such kind friends, especially ones who you can call at the last minute. With your help I was able to get to my doctor's appointment on time and get the medication I needed.
I'm glad we've become such good friends. I really think the world of you and your entire family. Call me when you need a favor.
Letter #2
Thank you for your kindness last Saturday. After my accident I was worried about how I could water the Doe's lawn while they were on vacation. It will be two months before I can resume my normal duties, but I certainly want to return the favor. Thanks for being such a great friend.
Letter #3
Thank you for helping with the Clean-up Campaign. Your generosity meant a lot to the other volunteers, and your energy and positive attitude helped us get the facilities painted in record time. Thanks for being such a good friend to the Shelter. We will never forget your example.
Letter #4
Thank you very much for coming in last Saturday to help us get our new product shipped on time. It was close, but we met our deadline, thanks to you and the others who gave up part of their weekend to help out. Your dedication and hard work are greatly appreciated. Employees like you are what make the Doe Corporation great!
Letter #5
Thank you so much for allowing me to use your overhead projector when mine gave problems last week. My presentation would have suffered greatly without it. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
I hope that I can return the favor if you ever need assistance.
How to Write this Thank-You Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines
Although generally unexpected, a letter to thank someone for a favor demonstrates that you sincerely appreciate his or her effort. The letter builds good will. It need not be long, but it must be sincere.
- Express your pleasure at receiving the favor.
- Mention how the favor was of benefit to you or your organization.
- Close with a statement that anticipates a good, continuing relationship.
Write Your thank-you in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases
1 Express your pleasure at receiving the favor.
Sample Sentences for Step 1
- I want to give you and Jane my special thanks for taking care of Rex while were in Springfield.
- Jane and I want to thank you for looking after Eric last Saturday when we celebrated our anniversary. It was thoughtful of you to remember and offer to help.
- You were so considerate in supplying a dinner the night I came home from the hospital.
- We can't thank you enough for letting us use your condominium for a few days of our vacation.
- Thanks for lending me your book.
- Thanks for letting us use your pickup to move into the new apartment. We would have been lost without it.
- Thanks for going out of your way to help me when my car was stalled on the highway.
Key Phrases for Step 1
- can't thank you enough for
- for being such a big help
- for allowing us to use
- for the loan of
- for taking care of
- for your kind gesture
- giving so much of your time
- going out of your way
- how much I appreciated your
- in such a time of crisis
- making such a special effort to
- meant a lot to me
- my special thanks for
- sincerely appreciate your thoughtfulness
- so thoughtful of you to
- thank you once again for
- thank you for
- thank you so much for
- want to thank you for
- want you to know how much
- was wonderful of you to
- was thoughtful of you
- was very generous of you
- were so considerate
- will always remember your
2 Mention how the favor was of benefit to you or your organization.
Sample Sentences for Step 2
- Leaving him in a kennel has always been traumatic for all of us, so it was a great relief when you offered to watch him while we were away.
- It gave us a chance to spend some valuable time together without the usual pressures of school and work.
- The food was delicious and not having to prepare a meal allowed us to concentrate on the new baby. It helped us have a wonderful evening together.
- The weather was great and the scenery magnificent. I can see why you picked that location to build. Thanks again for sharing it with us.
- Since that reference is out of print and the library copy is lost, you were a real lifesaver. Fortunately, I was able to read it all before the exam. It was a great help.
- We were able to move all of our things in only four trips.
- If you had not come along, I would have missed a very important appointment with my manager. I guess someone is looking out for me.
Key Phrases for Step 2
- a real lifesaver
- am now caught up
- because of your kindness
- came to our rescue
- couldn't have done it by myself
- couldn't have done it alone
- deserve the credit for
- enabled us to
- gave us a chance to
- grateful that you were willing to
- great opportunity would have passed me by
- helped us to
- if you had not
- it was such a relief
- it really meant a lot
- managed to accomplish
- owe it all to you
- really came through for me
- really saved the day
- took a load off my mind
- was a great help
- was very generous of you to
- will never know how much
- without your help
- would have missed
- would have been in serious trouble if
3 Close with a statement that anticipates a good, continuing relationship.
Sample Sentences for Step 3
- Thanks for being such great friends. Please let us return the favor.
- Please plan on bringing your daughter over here on your anniversary. We would love to have her.
- Having you for neighbors is one of the best things that ever happened to us.
- We look forward to seeing you at the conference in Springfield.
- If all goes well we hope to see you at Thanksgiving this year.
- I hope I can be there for you when you need some help.
- Thanks for being such a good friend.
Key Phrases for Step 3
- anytime we can return the favor
- as a token of my appreciation
- best wishes for
- for being so thoughtful
- for being such a great
- for being such caring
- hope I can help you when
- hope to return the favor
- hope we can always maintain our friendship
- hope to see you at
- if I can ever do the same for you
- let us return the favor
- look forward to
- our home is always open to
- so glad to have you for neighbors
- such a good friend
- thank you for
- to seeing you at
- will pass on the favor
- would be glad to
- would like to reciprocate
- would love to