Thank Someone For a Referral or Recommendation
Letter #1
As you know, I've been in the process of applying for various employment opportunities over the past weeks. Recently, I received a very desirable offer to fill a position at an energetic and exciting company. Although both a resume exhibiting experiences and credentials suited to the job and a successful interview certainly contributed to my success, I feel that your willingness to speak as a professional reference on my behalf played a central role in the company's decision to offer me the position.
I am writing to express my gratitude for your time and consideration in support of my endeavors. Your perspective and encouragement mean a great deal to me. Thank you for all that you've done.
Letter #2
Thank you for taking the time to write me a letter of recommendation. I could not have asked for nicer comments. Your letter paved the way for numerous interviews and a job offer from Doe Corporation, where I wanted most to work. The time you took to write that letter will have a significant impact on my life for years to come. I hope I can reciprocate the favor.
Letter #3
Thank you for your kindness in agreeing to write a letter of recommendation to accompany my application to medical school. I have wanted to study medicine since my biology class in the eighth grade, and have selected extracurricular activities that would be consistent with that goal. My university grades are good, and I have been a volunteer at the local hospital for the past year. I will soon have a preliminary interview with a selections committee, but before that interview I need to secure letters of recommendation.
The admissions committee informs successful candidates approximately four months after the submission deadline. I will inform you of the results as soon as I receive them.
I know it takes a lot of time to write a letter of recommendation, and I deeply appreciate your kindness. I will do my best to deserve your confidence. Thank you very much.
Letter #4
I can't thank you enough for telling Jane Doe about my chef service. The Doe's have signed up for the full service and they know several more people who might be interested. Thank you for taking the time to tell your friends. I'll do my best to deserve your confidence.
Letter #5
Please accept my sincere thanks for your letter of reference for my service as a housekeeper. Although I was very sorry to leave your employ, thanks to your letter I have obtained an excellent position with the Doe family here in Springfield. I will miss your family very much, especially during the summer. I hope you will enjoy your new home in Georgia, and wish you much happiness in the years to come.
Letter #6
I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for the recommendation you made on my behalf. You went the extra mile to assist me, and I have gained a significant benefit because of you. I know that your recommendation played a significant role in helping me obtain the opportunity I was seeking.
Without your recommendation, I do not feel that my application would have made the same impact. You are a pillar in the community and highly respected by everyone.
Thank you once again for your powerful, well-thought-out recommendation. It means a lot that you would take time out of your busy schedule to help me succeed. If I can be of any service to you in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me.
How to Write this Thank-You Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines
When someone takes the time and effort to provide you with a referral or recommendation, this written acknowledgment is an effective way to thank him or her and to build good will for the future. Write in specific terms and, if possible, let the reader know the outcomes.
- Thank your reader for the referral or recommendation and for expressing confidence in you or your organization.
- Inform your reader of the outcome, or desired outcome, of the referral or recommendation.
- Express your appreciation for the reader's time and effort in making the recommendation or referral.
- Close with an expression of good will.
Write Your thank-you in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases
1 Thank your reader for the referral or recommendation and for expressing confidence in you or your organization.
Sample Sentences for Step 1
- Thank you for the vote of confidence. I always appreciate it when a customer recommends my services to his or her friends.
- Thanks so much for referring Mr. and Mrs. Doe to me to sort out their tax problems.
- Thank you very much for the recommendation letters you wrote to help me gain admission to law school.
- Thank you for passing my letter on to the manager, and for adding your own recommendation.
- A million thanks for the letter you wrote to John Doe on my behalf.
- Thank you for referring Jane Doe to me for an evaluation of her knee problem.
- Thank you for referring John Doe to us. Your confidence in us is greatly appreciated.
- I have always valued our business relationship and appreciate your recommending John to me.
Key Phrases for Step 1
- am grateful for
- can't thank you enough for
- confidence in us is greatly appreciated
- for suggesting our company
- for recommending my services to
- for the letter on my behalf
- for furnishing such helpful leads
- for recommending our
- for your support in
- for passing my letter on to
- for your kindness in
- for advising Mr. Doe to
- for sending Eric Doe to
- for the names you suggested
- for your letter of recommendation
- for pointing Mr. Doe in our direction
- for the excellent lead
- for adding your own recommendation to
- for mentioning our name
- for the letters of recommendation you wrote
- for referring Mrs. Doe to
- for your vote of confidence
- for the introductory phone call
- for saying so many wonderful things
- for putting me in touch with
- how much we appreciate
- it gives me a great feeling of satisfaction when
- on my behalf
- thank you for
- thank you very much for
- thanks so much for
- thanks a million
- very much appreciate your
- want you to know
- your recommendation letter
- your letting me use your name as a reference
2 Inform your reader of the outcome, or desired outcome, of the referral or recommendation.
Sample Sentences for Step 2
- In the past month three clients have reported that you had recommended my services.
- Although we still have more to do, I am confident that we will have the major problems resolved without the Does having to pay any penalties.
- I will let you know what the outcome is when they send out notification letters in April.
- I received a call from her this morning asking me to come in for an interview on Friday afternoon.
- Your letter was so effective that I have been offered the position of executive coordinator of the restoration project. It is a wonderful opportunity to use my graduate training.
- It is clear that only joint replacement will alleviate her pain, but she is very reluctant to undergo this procedure. Perhaps you can help her make the right decision.
Key Phrases for Step 2
- am confident that
- am sure that
- appreciate your efforts
- as soon as I have been notified
- as a result of your
- because of your letter
- expect to hear from
- had the desired outcome
- has resulted in
- have been accepted into
- have become good clients
- have been offered the position
- have been most impressed with
- helped to resolve the issue
- helped solve the problem
- is working out very well
- it is clear that
- letter was so effective that
- looking forward to
- nicely filled in the gap
- received a call from
- reported that you had
- sounds very promising
- to a continued association with
- told me that you had
- took action immediately
- was awarded the contract
- was a key link in the chain
- will have the desired effect
- will let you know
- without your help
- wonderful opportunity to
3 Express your appreciation for the reader's time and effort in making the recommendation or referral.
Sample Sentences for Step 3
- Thank you for writing letters and making calls to your associates.
- Thank you for taking the time to let friends know about me.
- I know you are very busy, so I especially appreciate you taking the time to put us in touch.
- I know it takes a great deal of your valuable time to provide this service, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your efforts.
- I really appreciate your taking the time to recommend me.
- I sincerely appreciate the time and effort you spent on my behalf.
- Thanks again for the referrals.
Key Phrases for Step 3
- am very grateful to you for
- am grateful for
- appreciate your promptness in
- appreciate the part you played in
- appreciate the resources you used
- appreciate the effort you put into
- for taking the time to
- for the names you sent along
- for your concern
- for your thoughtfulness
- for your kindness
- for being so kind
- for the resources you used
- for your support
- has helped me to
- have a busy schedule
- have noted the time it takes to
- know that it's no small task to
- know you are busy
- must have written an excellent letter
- sacrificing your valuable time
- such a time consuming project
- thank you for
- thanks again for
- the time you graciously sacrificed
- time and effort you expended in my behalf
- under many time constraints
- understand the time it takes to
- want you to know how much I appreciate
- your letter of recommendation
- your efforts in this matter
4 Close with an expression of good will.
Sample Sentences for Step 4
- I will do my best to justify your confidence.
- I will be happy to return the favor.
- Again, thank you.
- I hope I will be able to join you at Doe Associates.
- If all goes well, I will be working very close to your office.
Key Phrases for Step 4
- am confident that
- call on me if
- don't hesitate to call
- for your kindness
- for your help
- happy to reciprocate
- how I can return the favor
- if I can assist you in any way
- if all goes well
- if I can help you
- in the future
- know you appreciate referrals too
- let me know
- look forward to
- may I take you to lunch
- send business your way
- small token of my appreciation
- sometime in the future
- somewhere down the road
- thanks again for
- thanks a million
- to helping you in the same manner
- to doing business with you in the future
- to return the favor
- to deserve your confidence
- will do my best to
- will call you as soon as I hear
- will be glad to
- will keep you posted
- will let you know how things turn out
- your letters will have the desired effect